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Rav Hesed - Stories

The noise and din in the Rav Chesed offices activities weren't silenced by the knock on the door. When the door opened a tall man stood in doorway although his eyes seemed confused and depressed, "is this Rav Chesed?" he asked. How can we help you replied one of the workers. Can I come in, he asked in reply.

The activist already understood the situation; he had seen such occurences everyday. He brought him respectfully straight to the manager after the door was closed he broke down in tears. Gideon(a pseudonym) tall as can be seemed small and broken when he described to the manager the situation at home. He said that twins were born to him just a few days before and a day before the birth he was fired from his job. Even before this, circumstances were rough but now they were sevenfold.

"I never asked anything from anyone but now I just can't any longer. Where will I get cribs to lay them down to sleep in? These little babies were born under such a difficult situation." Within minutes after clarifications and action Gideon left with a wide smile on his face. Quality cribs with pretty head guards, pacifiers and bottles, diapers and baby formula were ready for him to carry home.

The next day, there were knocks at Gideon's door and when he opened the door he was surprised to find a twin stroller outside. And, behold the Rav Chesed representative stretched out his hand to offer him a respectable sized check.

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Association Rav Hessed 16, rue Shlomo ben Yossef – Ashdod Tél : 1800-200-070 Fax: 972-8-8661217

Olam HaTorah