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Noam Elisheva Day Care Center
Named for Mrs. Elisheva bat Benia(Aba Shaul)


In the day care center are 3 age groups:
babies from 3 months to 15 months old
15 months to 2 years old
2-3 years old

The day care helps working mothers and especially families who find themselves in need due to illness, or the like.

In the day care they stress 2 ideas: growth and development. Regarding growth, the children receive all they need for healthy growth such as healthy meals and a hygienic atmosphere.

There are 7 Steps to Development:
Sensory- through activity I learn to recognize my abilities
Socially- I learn about my surroundings and correct behavior
Coarse motor skills- muscle development of hands and legs
Fine motor skills- muscle development in hands and neck
Language- clear self expression, in creating complete sentences
Intellect- develop thought- enrich ideas

In every group, the stress is given according to age appropriate expectations. The children are given all the tools needed to develop into knowledgeable students and to live successful lives.




Day Care
Talmud Torah
Rav Pealim Institutions - 2 Reuven Gamzon Jerusalem, Israel. Tel: 972-2-5855189
Olam HaTorah - All Over the World