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"חכם לב יקח מצוות" (משלי י')
"The wise of heart will take mitzvos" (Mishlei/Proverbs10)
Ways to Join the Adopt a Student Program

Central Pillar
Adopt a Talmid for an Entire Year

Your support will credit you with the Torah learning of a talmid for an entire year. You will be credited with maintaining a student of Torah, a merit that will bring blessing to all your efforts. You will have the opportunity to choose which pupil you wish to sponsor.

Tree of Life
Adopt a Class for an Entire Month

Your generous donation will be a tree of life for a whole class for an entire month and will also be an eitz chaim for you, a conduit for abundant blessing and success.

Patron of the Day
Adopt all the talmidim for one day of the year

Your unique donation will fund a day of learning for hundreds of talmidim on the day of your choosing. Your special gift to these precious youngsters will credit you and your loved ones with the merit of the Torah learning of tinokos shel bait Rabban .


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