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In the US: Torat HaEmek - 1671 East 7th Street Brooklyn, NY 11230
In Israel: Torat HaEmek - 12 Neiman Street Jerusalem 97450

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Mishnayos B'Al Peh

Mishnayos Elevate the Neshama in This World and the Next.

$150.00 a Mesechet
$1000.00 a Seder

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Every Child Deserves a Jewish Education.


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The partnership of a Lifetime.

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Torat HaEmek - 12 Neiman St, Neve Yaakov, 97450 Jerusalem, Israel, Phone: 02.583.2803, Fax: 02.656.5315
Your tax deductible donation helps recreate the future of Jewish education!
Tax deductible donations can be made payable to Torat HaEmek - 1671 E. 7th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11230
Olam Hatorah - All Over the World